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Vierra is an Indonesian band that is currently as a top band in indonesian music industry. Vierra began they career in the music industry with the first band name is Andante Band, in mid-2008. and Andante Band morphed being Vierra Band Indonesian Artist Fans Club. Vierra consisted of  4 personnel are Widy Nichlany (vocals), Kevin Aprilio (piano, keyboards), Raka Cyril (guitar), and Tryan (drum).

Vierra band was founded by Kevin Aprilio, a young talented pianist who was the inspirator of this band and creates almost all the Vierra's songs and Arrangement. and also He is a son of  the couple of Addie MS (Conductor) and Memes (Singer). Vierra's debut album is titled "My First Love", brought the flow of  Disney's Pop Music and the Power Pop that is fun and easy listening plus a little Japanese ornaments and accentuation of  Rock. and producing hits singles "Dengarkan Curhatku". and subsequent success with other hits like "Bersamamu" and "Perih". With vocal's character of Widy that cheerful and typical of teenager, and skills piano/keyboard playing of Kevin Aprilio, Vierra able to provide new and different nuances in the music industry of Indonesia.

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